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Signs You Have Arthritis: What You Need to Know

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Arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, and it is especially prevalent in older individuals. If you are an elderly person, it is important to be aware of the signs of arthritis so you can address it early and prevent further progression. Read on to learn the five common signs of arthritis that you should look out for.

Joint Pain:

The most telling sign of arthritis is joint pain, which is usually a dull ache or a burning sensation that can hinder your ability to move around freely. Arthritis pain often worsens during cold weather or after prolonged periods of sitting or standing. If you feel joint pain that lasts for several weeks, it's better to speak with your doctor.

Morning Stiffness:

If you wake up in the morning with stiff or sore joints, it could be a sign of arthritis. Morning stiffness is a common symptom of several types of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. The stiffness can make it difficult to get out of bed or perform daily tasks, so it's important to speak with your doctor if you're experiencing continual stiffness.

Swelling or Redness:

Swelling, redness, and tenderness around the joints, including the fingers, knees, feet, and ankles, can indicate osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. These symptoms may feel subtle at first but can eventually become more noticeable and cause difficulty in everyday activities. If you notice any swelling or redness around your joints, you should visit your doctor immediately.

Limited Movement:

Another sign of arthritis is limited joint movement, which can make it difficult to perform daily tasks. Arthritis sufferers can lose their flexibility and feel like their joint movement is restricted. This can affect their ability to walk, climb stairs, or get dressed. If you find it challenging to move your joints and muscles, it's time to visit your physiotherapist or doctor.


Feeling tired and rundown can also accompany arthritis. The fatigue may be caused by inflammation in the body that is triggered by arthritis or the pain around the affected joint. This condition can make it difficult to work or perform house chores. Please take note of your energy levels and do not hesitate to speak to your doctor if you feel unusually tired.

Arthritis does not have to limit your activity level or negatively impact your quality of life. Early detection and treatment can prevent the condition from progressing and help you manage the symptoms effectively. There are a variety of treatments available for arthritis. Remember, being proactive with your health is the key to a happy, healthy lifestyle.

For more info about treatments like Avacen treatment for arthritis, contact a local company. 
